Saturday, January 19, 2008

A few pictures

The New Year

I have to apologize it has been quite some time since my last update. So much has been happening lately and I have not been diligent. With that being said lets begin. Where to begin? New Year's Eve was spend with the youth group I help with out at "Monkey Mt." It's not a real mountain, but it was still fun. There are monkeys out there, usually only in the wee hours of the morning. And since I didn't bring any blankets with me because "it's Africa, why would you need blanket?" I froze and didn't really sleep much. Bummer, who knew you could actually get cold in Africa? Not this guy. Anyway, after that I had two other out of town trips as well.
Piella first for the Fulani conference with Galen. I am interested in the Fulani dynamics, but because of the language barrier it is difficult. There are only a few Fulani men or women that have enough French to understand my French, which is coming along, but still not great. After that conference I'd had enough rice and Nyree (millet based oatmeal type stuff) for quite some time. I came home for that, had my 22nd B-day and the next day was off to Fada for the SIM Spiritual Life Conference. For my birthday I five of my friends and I went to Gandwana's. It's this fairly nice African style restaurant. But it's done in a very nice way with good food. Then we went to another friends house for Cake. It was a good time.
The 3rd Weekend in Feb. is a softball tournament. I'm getting pretty excited for that. Galen and I are coaching a couple of the kids teams. He's taking on the social team, I get the competitive kids. But I'm also playing on a team as well. I don't think those kids know what they're in for. If the screw around they are going to be taking so many laps their heads are going to be spin! Just kidding, but seriously, don't cross "Coach Steel". I am looking forward to that though. I have some more things, but I will wait a week or so and write another post. Until then, stay classy.