Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Good Times with Old Friends

The top picture is of my old Youth Pastor and a really good friend from church growing up, but we also went to colleges not too far from each other and stayed in close contact. I can't think of boating or inner tubing without thinking about the epic battles we have had on Lake Washington over the years.

The Middle picture was taken the night before my buddy Ryan's big day. And yes before you ask, I do have my shirt off. What can I say I get around some friends we start goofing around, and bam shirtless. It's pretty natural for me. But we spent the night just having some good guy time in a barn. A great night all around until I went to bed at 4 AM on an air mattress that deflated on me. It wasn't the mattress' fault though when I opened on the hole to pump it up more I didn't realize that I knocked out the plug and so I put the cap back on without the plug. By the morning about 7:30 I woke up completely on the floor. What a great night of sleep that was.

Finally, the old house back together. The U.N. the night before Sean's big day. I have to say seeing those guys again and watching them take the plunge was awesome and surreal for me. But those 4 guys made my last year at North Park fantastic. They are all good guys and helped keep me in check when I needed it.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Back at it

It's been a month since my last post and I appologize for the length of time between posts. It's hard to believe I was at my friends' wedding a month ago and living it up back home. My time at home gave me a great chance to reconnect with some old friends, meet some new ones and eat a lot of good food. A good portion of my family came up from California, and Arizona during my time home, I spent some time with my brother, and of course saw my parents. In a way it was helpful just in the fact that it gave me a chance to get out of the African paradigm and in a sense refocus my energies. Also, it was a good chance to speak personally with my friends to see what they've been doing, how they have matured and grown since I saw them last. 3 of my old roommates are married or will be married by the end of August. That is an amazing thing that I'm glad I was able to participate and celebrate with them. At the same time it is really crazy when some of your good friends start getting married. But good for them and all blessings as they start new lives with amazing wives.
Now that I'm back in Burkina things are falling back into place. I wouldn't be truthful if I didn't say I was a little bummed to be leaving home again after having such a good time. But I am back at it, and working on cleaning up the material I have been recording for the past several months. Also I am working on some lessons for the youth group. That part of my ministry is kind of slow right now, most of the kids have left for the summer, so I'm doing a lot of reading and prep type work. Figuring out themes and lessons for the upcoming school year. I am actually quite excited to get those kids back and get back into the groove of things with youth group and all.
Here is a smattering of pictures from my trip back to America.

The pictures are of me eating my first bite of cereal and "real" milk which I have missed quite a bit while in Africa, and my buddy Mook and I at the rehearsal for the wedding in Michigan. More pictures to come.