Friday, July 27, 2007

The Beginning of the End

There are only three weeks of camp left and it seems that this summer has gone by quite quickly. My time spent here has been good even though there are many things that I have not wanted to do. This week especially has been tough because so many kids are getting sick. My patience is certainly being put to the test as I clean up after sick campers who keep throwing up. Also, after 7 weeks of campers I'm beginning to get tired faster than I would at the start of the summer. Nevertheless, this has opportunity has been beneficial to my spiritual walk. There are many things this summer that have been newer experiences and I do believe God put me here to help prepare me further for my mission. It will be difficult leaving some of the people here who have been a part of my life for the last two and a half months. There are some amazing counselors here at camp that I've grown closer to and been blessed by the way they follow God. As I look ahead I know there is still a lot to get done before October, which doesn't seem too far off now. I believe this period will be another time of my life of testing and refining as I need to rely on God to be faithful in preparing a way for me to get to my destination. Lord be near.

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