Thursday, February 7, 2008

Lent and other things

It is the season of Lent! A time of preparation, self denial, and anticipation for the Resurrection or our Lord Jesus Christ. I am excited that it has come already and am interested to see how Easter will be celebrated here in Africa.
In other events, Galen and I have already taught one of our two night classes to a group of Burkinabe adults here. We are co-teaching because I don't have the language skills to teach a 2 hour course on my own, while he doesn't have enough time to prepare everything for the class. So it works out well. Last class we went over the beginnings of how the church expressed the idea of the Holy Trinity in the early centuries. Although we didn't get through all the material, what we did get through I think was necessary to understand what we believe about God today. I look forward to next class, on Valentines Day, as we progress along in this important conversation. I have Dr. Nassif to thank for his thorough teaching on the trinitarian debate. Thank you Dr. Nassif. Hopefully I will be able to use the teaching I received from Dr. Snell in this next class as we dive deeper into trinitarian logic and theology.
The lesson here is, pay attention in class, you might actually use the stuff you learn.
We are drawing nearer to the softball tournament and although we had a scrimmage last Saturday that didn't go as well as one could hope, I'm excited to get back out and compete in something again. I've been competing in events for as long as I can remember, and now that I'm here it is sometimes difficult for me not to have that competitive outlet. It's that old saying, "you don't know what you have until you don't have it anymore". Well, I found that to be true of competition.
It is only early February and I hoped the cool season would last a little longer, but just in the last week I have noticed a rise in temperature. Oh well, you can't stop the seasons, you can only transition with them.
I'll be sending out my quarter prayer letter soon as well with some more updates so you can be on the look out for that as well.
I hope you all are doing well and seek the LORD during this season of Lent.

1 comment:

Dennis Vogt said...

1 Corinthians 9:23-25
Philippians 3:13-14
Hebrews 12:1-3
You are in the most important competition in which anyone can be involved.
We continue to remember you in our prayers, the part of the race where we can participate. Competing alongside you by the power of God's Spirit for the souls of those you meet.
God's many blessings upon you as you perservere in the race set before you.