Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Random thoughts

So I don't have major story to write about, just several things that have been happening lately or will be happening shortly. I hope you enjoy.

First off, I have a youtube link which you can see about a 4-5 minute video put together from the Southern Exposure trip. I recommend using the link rather than searching for "Southern Exposure" I'm thinking you might come across some links that you wouldn't be looking for. On that note, I have to say the trip was a month ago or so now, but I can still see the students growing from the trip. As a group this years youth group is gelling well, becoming more transparent with one another and I believe that we are better imitating the body of Christ now than before. This is very exciting for me as a leader to see this perspective going on and to see the students begin to question and challenge their existing worldviews. My hope is that I can continue to guide them as they work through these lifelong issues.

In other news another one of my good friends has left for good. A Peace Corps friend of mine (it was here village that we went to for the Southern Exposure trip) finished her service earlier this month. The only good thing about her leaving is that we went several times to get a nice meal or ice cream and stuff like that. But it is a bummer to have her gone and just another reminder that all things are temporal, especially here. That is one thing I struggle and wrestle with. Truth be told, I don't think there should be this kind of turn around in the communities here. Especially for building solid, honest, open Christian community to which I am striving for, this constant coming and going of people (and eventually myself as well) really hinders. I have experienced and seen other missionaries and aid workers here just not get close to new comers because they know soon enough one of them is going to leave. This is frustrating to say the least.

Finally, I have been busy this week and will be busy the next 2 weeks with "Give a Kid a Christmas". This is a major project that I am helping a few other missionaries here with. They have put together 3,000 backpacks with pens, paper, and other school supplies to give away at different elementary schools in a village called Piella. 2 of the guys and I went last week to check it out and talk to the local pastors about it. It's quite an operation but a great way to both bless those kids, teach them about social things (brush your teeth, don't eat dirty food etc) and present the gospel as well. I'm very excited to be on board with this project this year. That's all for now. Next time I'll let you know how the Give a Kid a Christmas goes, and how Turkeyday here in Burkina went!

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