Sunday, December 21, 2008

Picture from Give a Kid a Christmas and more

This is a picture of my new roommate Tyler and I at a local Christmas party.  We keep it real.
This is a picture from my perspective as we got the truck towed back to the local town during the give a kid a Christmas.  My other passengers road in the back of the other truck while I steered mine.
This is a photo of my old roommate Reid and I at the airport.  He unfortunately had to leave unexpectedly for family issues.  He was a good friend to me here in Burkina.
This is a photo of some kids at one of the outreaches opening up their Christmas gift.  I did my best to capture some of their joy as they opened their backpacks.
This is a photo of some of the kids watching the drama's we put on during the children's outreach at a local school in Ouaga.

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