Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Within the last few weeks the audio Bible recording has been able to get underway! It is very exciting for me to begin putting flesh on bone to the idea my supervisor, Galen, has had for some time now. The idea is to use different people to speak the character and narrative parts of the gospels and other books of the Bible. Just a week or so ago, 2 Fulani pastors were in Ouaga and we were able to record the narrative parts for both Luke and John. This is supposed to make for a more dynamic and hopefully captivating recording for the Fulani listening. Here are 2 pictures of Pastor Eli (pronounced Eh-lee) and myself working in the studio area Galen has created at his house.

In other news it actually.... rained today! Ya I know, and for those of you back in the Pac-Northwest or other places where you are getting plenty of rain, I know no big deal. But since I haven't seen or felt rain in 5 months, ya it's kind of a big deal for the boy who grew up in rainy Seattle. So, an odd humid but not too hot day here in Burkina with some rain. It didn't storm or down pour or anything, just a little drizzle here and there throughout the day. It was a welcome change none the less though.

Finally, I will be heading out of the country for a little while. There is a conference in another country that I will be attending. I'm looking forward to the fellowship and a change of scenery! So, I will wish you all a very happy Easter, may you personally encounter the cross, and the empty tomb!


Dennis Vogt said...

Glad to see your camera is working well and helping you document the work you are doing. Happy St Patty's Day. We had our traditional meal with your mom and dad last night. Missed both you and Adam. Blessings

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