Friday, May 16, 2008

The Times They are a Changing

Since I last wrote many things have happened. So let me fill you in. About 10 days ago my work associates' daughter began having vision problems. Well, actually they started before a few weeks ago, but they began to increase as of late. So, she was checked out, but by both doctors here and in America it was recommended that she come home to get it checked out. So two nights ago, Galen's wife and daughter headed back home. The thing is, because his daughter is a diabetic it looks like the vision issues are liked to the diabetes. If this is the case, it doesn't look like they'll be back. In fact, I said goodbye to them as if they weren't coming back. Galen will be heading out a little later, but it looks like by the Fall, the guy I came out here to work with will be back in the States indefinitely. I'll continue to work with the youth group and I'll probably shift into some other work, my plan is to finish up my term here, until April 09'. However, this certainly changes things for me out here.
Change number 2. My roommate Will has departed to go back home to Toronto. He came last August, so he was here when I got here, and really helped me get used to Ouaga. Especially when I didn't have any French skills, he helped me out there too. I actually already have a new roommate who moved in yesterday. So I'm not alone, but I do miss my friend Will. Seeing him go reminded me of when I first got here, how new everything was. Now, I feel like a veteran somewhat. I also look back at the fun times I've had here. I've been here 7 months and sometimes it feels like it is going quite quickly. One day it's Christmas the next it's Easter!
I'm not a big fan of change usually, which actually is the only constant here in Burkina, change. So I'm rolling with the punches and trying to see what new things I can learn and be challenged by. The one thing I've learned is nothing is set in stone.

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