Tuesday, March 31, 2009

30 hr. Famine

So I decided to do a running diary for the 30 hr. famine that our youth group did.

3:00 PM: I ate a whole pizza, the fast starts at 4:00 PM, so I gotta get my fill in.

4:35 PM: I'm taking an unusually late nap.

6:45 PM: Just woke up, it's dark out, I think I overslept.

7:30 PM: Missing dinner, I'm getting a little hungry.

10:15 PM: Working on youth group talk.

12:35 AM: Going to bed.

1:27 AM: Regretting that late nap. Lying in bed trying to fall asleep.

2:32 AM: REALLY regretting that late nap. I'm an idiot. I'm in bed, sweating, and a little hungry.

8:07 AM: Woke up because it got too hot to sleep anymore.

11:50 AM: Time to get over to the youth event.

12::32 PM: We have been fasting for about 20 hrs. now, I'm having the kids journal and pray.

12:35 PM: I go into the back room to change into my painting clothes, and a gecko falls from the ceiling into my shirt. I kind of freaked out and almost yelled from surprise but since all the kids were in such contemplative states, I refrained. I pulled my shirt off real quick and danced around like an idiot though.

2:00 PM: We head out to the ministry site "Pam-Bila" to paint some school rooms.

Sidenote: Pam-Bila is a ministry site that we are partnering with for our food distribution this year. The money our students raise will be going to help feed the students of that ministry and their families.

3:30 PM: The kids are hanging strong although the 100+ heat is starting to get to a lot of the students who are on empty stomachs.

5:00 PM: We are finished with the painting, now it's off to the school pool to relax a little and get refreshed.

7:00 PM: Off to the youth group house to start youth group.

9:30 PM: We're heading into the home stretch the 30 hrs. ends at 10:00 PM and now we are getting into some good worship, despite being tired and hungry.

10:24 PM: Finished worshiping, now it's time to eat! NOT! As the leadership we decided to put a few pieces of bread out on the table and let the kids figure out what to do. Our hope was to stretch the kids and have them think more about the desperation that the people here face on a regular basis.

10:44 PM: The kids are meeting, talking, and praying. We regroup, Leanna talks some more, the kids share their hearts. They start to get it and I hear a lot of wise words from the kids.

11:10 PM: We really break out fast, the kids eat, talk and continue to process everything.

12:00 AM We're done! Time to go home everyone.

An long day, a tiring day, a rewarding day.

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