Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Props to God

God is amazing, flat out! I just got back from a trip out of town to find out that all of my support has been raised plus some!!! I can honestly say it wasn't me who made this happen. I sent out letters had a few face to face meetings, but God came through in such a way that is incredible. I wasn't sure if I would have all the money pledged by the time I was supposed to leave on Oct. 11th, but that is no longer an issue. Now all that is left is one shot, packing and saying good-bye. Wow, this is coming up so soon.


Lisa said...

wait...you are leaving on Oct 11?

Ben Steel said...

Ya, I'm going with Paul's Sem group, so have to leave then. I'd rather have a little more time, but that's the way it has to be.